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Weight of the World


01. Intro\Crossing The Rubicon | 02. The Oath Of A Fire Bringer | 03. Voyage\The Great Sea | 04. Weight Of The World | 05. The Bounds Of A Fire Bringer | 06. Remains Of The Holy | 07. The Same River | 08. We The People\No Friends, But The Mountains | 09. Blow Your Trumpet (Bonus Track)

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Weight Of The World, from Greek group The Same River, is a chapter based, and in a philosophical way, concept album. The songs fulfil the vision of a world that’s spinning through the wheels of confusion. Before giving a deeper analysis of the lyrics, the group hope that the listener will feel familiar with this collection of moments and actions delivered by humanity the years of the pandemic, filtered through notes and words.

Track-by-track by the band:
Intro\Crossing The Rubicon is a two-part song, with the instrumental opener riff and a progression which leads to the main chapter “the passage”. “Crossing the Rubicon” is a metaphorical expression for passing a point of no return. We strongly believe that society has passed this point of corruption, climate change etc. leading to an amoral and unequal conflict were the elite suppress the weaker. As the last line says: “This is a war? Yeah… And I’m gonna fight.”

The Oath Of A Fire Bringer is the first part of a trilogy. Inspired by the myth of Prometheus and his will to defy the Gods and give fire to humanity. Philosophically, fire symbolises the hidden knowledge of the world and the risks you have to take when you seek the truth. Defying authority in any form, is an act of resistance in terms of ethical and personal ascendance. We have to seek the “fire” and defy “Gods” if we want to be a better society. It’s an oath we have to take as individuals for the sake of ourselves and the generations to come.

Voyage\The Great Sea is another two-part song. The first part (“Voyage”) is life. The everlasting struggle from the day we are born until we draw our last breath. The fight with our inner demons, the fear of the unknown and the everyday effort we make to embrace the gift of existence. The second part (“The Great Sea”), is afterlife. In many old myths from various civilisations, the passage to afterlife is commonly referred to as the great sea of souls. A place where unity is achieved. A place or a state where everyone becomes All. Musically the song is structured with the sense of constant movement, likening the waves of a sea and the journey of life and soul concurrently.

Weight Of The World is the title song of the album. The main reason is that it amalgamates the vibes and the idea of this record in its entity, lyrically inspired by Sisyphus, both the Greek myth and the homonym philosophical essay by Albert Camus. The absurd (finding meaning in life) is a fundamental human need. During the start of the pandemic in 2020 we found ourselves in a state of inertia and lack of will. “Weight of the World” was the firstborn child after the lockdown. A boulder we had to push even if we had to see it roll down again. As Camus says: “The struggle itself… is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy”.

The Bounds Of A Fire Bringer is the second song of the Promethean trilogy. It is the consequences we pay for our actions. Something that we have to embrace willingly otherwise, we override our choices. Sometimes our path comes in contrast to others. If we believe in ourselves and our cause, even the “Gods” will have to accept our will. “Kneel to no one… Kneel to no one…”.

Remains Of The Holy are the shreds of humanism. The soul itself or better still, what is left from it. Our society is in complete decadence, and all of us behave like mad kings with no consciousness of our actions and others. The remains of our souls is the only hope to bring back what is lost, but the need for self-awareness as an act of repentance is hard to achieve. The easiest thing to do is to put the blame on one another, but who will cast the stone first?

The Same River is our “first ever” song. The homonymous, our philosophical statement as a band. Heraclitus’ quote (“it is impossible to step in the same river twice”) gave us a reason not to look back. We have to realize that life is a short journey and nothing is for granted. Take your chances and live. Be the river that flows because in the end nothing really matters.

We The People\No Friends, But The Mountains is the outro of the album and the last two-part song. “We the people” starts with the real constitution speech. What politicians would like to say, but use fine words to manipulate the masses. For every dead child or abused woman, for all the people out there suffering by war and poverty, we stand with them as an act of resistance. We are the People! “No Friends, but the mountains” is a Kurdish proverb which signifies their feeling of betrayal, abandonment and loneliness. We felt that it is a proper title for the last part of the song, as the progression moves to “Katharsis”… When you are in the middle of a journey (especially a life journey), there are many fights to give. People will betray you, but the most frightening prospect of all is betraying yourself. “Be free for this chance to be better and sing for freedom…” is the last lyric before the repentance of the proverb and the realization that we are born and die alone.

Blow Your Trumpet is a bonus track, lyrically summarizing the vision of this album. A metaphor from the book of revelation, when the archangel blows his trumpet for the beginning of the end. We the People never realise that our acts have an impact on the world. As Newton describes in his third law of motion, “for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction”. So, in that spirit, when we are confronting our decisions, it’s a principle that the consequences will be unforgiving.

Weight Of The World | Released May 13th, 2022 on Sliptrick Records

Track listing:
01. Intro\Crossing The Rubicon | 02. The Oath Of A Fire Bringer | 03. Voyage\The Great Sea | 04. Weight Of The World | 05. The Bounds Of A Fire Bringer | 06. Remains Of The Holy | 07. The Same River | 08. We The People\No Friends, But The Mountains | 09. Blow Your Trumpet (Bonus Track)

Recorded by:
George Filikozis (Bass Guitar, Drums) at Bombing the Avenue Studio Athens, GR.
Manos Koutsakis (Guitars, Synths, Percussions) at Diagogi Kosmia Studio Athens, GR.
Diamond Pr (Vocals) at House of Stone Studio Athens, GR.
Mixed by Nikos Trialonis at Goblin’s Lair Studio Heraklion Crete, GR.
Mastering by Yiannis Christodoulatos and Dimitris Papadimitriou at Sweetspot Productions Athens, GR.

Reference artwork by Maurilio Barreto.
Art Direction & Illustration by Dimitrios Schoinarakis at detale creatives association Athens, GR.

The Same River are:
Diamond Pr – Vocals/Guitars/Synths | Theodore Ntilgeris – Guitars | Dimitris Georgopoulos – Bass Guitar | Fivos Katsifloros – Drums/Percussions

Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | Twitter | On Sliptrick







  1. time-for-metal.eu

    So geht es im weiteren Verlauf hin und her. Richtig geile Songs, meist schwer und heftig, mit einer psychedelischen Attitüde, immer sehr authentisch gespielt. Da kommt zu keiner Zeit Langweile auf. Die Ami-Mucke der Griechen geht voll rein. Irgendwie Strange Cousins from Athen, dieses Quartett aus Athen …read more

  2. theprogmind.com

    I really like this album, I do. I would point out that most of the songs sounds pretty similar, so even now I’m having difficulty remembering which ones I like best. That said, the album is smooth and appealing, and it is easy to lose yourself in it while it flows past you …read more

  3. rockinathens

    The Same River ήρθαν να μας θυμίσουν πως ακούγεται το αγνό και καθαρό heavy rock με πινελιές από delta blues και ψυχεδελικούς ήχους από μια άλλη διάσταση. Στο οπλοστάσιο τους μια ομάδα από έμπειρους μουσικούς και γνώριμους αντιπροσώπους της σύγχρονης Αθηναϊκής μουσικής πραγματικότητας …read more

  4. stonerhive

    For me it becomes this huge and in-depth adventure into every universal aspect you might be able to think of. But whatever it turns out to be for the rest of the world, the fact remains that this is an amazingly strong, brilliant and awe-inspiring album …read more

  5. saitenkult.de

    Die zum Teil sehr entspannten mit sphärisch psychedelischen, aber dennoch auch mit viel Dynamik und spannenden Momenten durchzogene Kompositionen, denen ein hypnotischer Gesang aufgelegt wird, rechtfertigen allemal …read more

  6. reflectionsofdarkness.com

    Overall, this is top-notch heavy music that clearly has its inspirations but manages to stand on its own feet and be authentic and surprisingly creative at the same time …read more

  7. mangorave

    These deep and dark thoughts are musicked via heavy and atmospheric soundscapes made from Stoner Rock, Heavy Psych, Alternative Rock and more. Take Phiasco and Arcadian ¥ Child as references and enjoy how The Same River fill up the whole space between those artists …read more

  8. mostly-metal.net

    “Weight of the World” is a great debut album, intense in its message and atmosphere. There is a certain melancholy into their music which runs through the whole record, fitting to the thoughtful lyrics. The detailed, groovy rhythmic keeps up tension most of the time, even though the songs are mostly of low or mid-tempo, and the wonderful vocal performance caught me from the beginning …read more

  9. rockportaal.nl

    De plaat gaat over de wiel van verwarring die de huidige wereld ondergaat. Uitvergroot en herkenbaar door de pandemie. Het zorgt echter niet voor een duistere plaat, maar juist voor een fijn rockalbum …read more

  10. ffm-rock.de

    Fazit: Elektrisierend knisternd geheimnisvoll spannungsgeladener Stoner-Tobak mit permanent vorhandem Tiefenpsychedelic-Unterton eines begabten Griechenlandvierers, von dem künftig sicher noch einiges mehr zu hören sein wird …read more

  11. themedianman.com

    “The Oath Of A Fire Bringer,” hits something raw and fundamental within the listener. Soaring and twisting, bringing together elements that haunt the landscape and the time. “Weight Of The World,” haunts the platforms, twisting through a growing sense of something more. “Remains Of The Holy,” twist and turn, livering up and cascading through. “We The People,” hits on another level, sonically moving with professions of time and space …read more

  12. musipedia of metal

    If you’re not up to date with your Heraclitus, Aristotle, Socrates or Plato or the mythology surrounding Sisyphus or Prometheus, never fear as you’ll still get to indulge in some great psych/doom rocking from this Athenian band. My advice is to pick up this album along with Naxatras, go up into the wilderness and just tune out man …read more

  13. Doom Heart

    The eight songs of the album embody the band’s love for heavy, rock-influenced psychedelic music. Lyrically, “Weight of the World” carries the band’s philosophical concerns about the decadence of human society filtered through the fears of an unknown world after this pandemic ends. Heraclitus, Albert Camus, Sigmund Freud, and many mythological aspects of our heritage (with a deeper meaning), such as Sisyphus and Prometheus, blend in a way and fulfills in rhymes what our vision for this world is about; solidarity, peace and understanding …read more

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