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Fingere di essere


01. Verba volant | 02. Miraggi immobili | 03. Fingere di essere | 04. Nel blu | 05. Assenza | 06. Lontano | 07. Respiro il vuoto | 08. Se non provo più | 09. Ora e qui | 10. Pioggia fredda

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What we see and live is real? Or is it the result of a dream?

It is a concept that has deep roots in human history, investigated by various thinkers over the centuries and in various forms of science and art. Today that doubt is even more pronounced. We exist in an era in which digitization and virtual relationships have modified, if not replaced, the rules of social life. Is what we therefore live a reality or a great illusion? With Fingere di essereSinezamia ask questions about this doubt, especially regarding human relations; it does not give answers because what we say is either true or false? “We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside the dream”.

Fingere di essere has a fresh and modern sound, with veins and influences ranging from many genres and musical ages, from Joy Division to Black Sabbath and Alice in Chains. On the other hand, the Italian vocals brings back the 90’s sound of the group Timoria. The album is entirely composed and arranged by the band and was created from a long process of experimentation that involved the sounds and structures of the songs, as well as an evaluation of the most suitable lyrics, an important aspect of the the band’s imagery. The process has seen the creation of various versions of the songs, such as lyrics, vocal lines and instrumental solutions, all jealously preserved and recorded during rehearsal sessions.

The artwork for the album was extracted from a detail of the Berlin Wall, in which the faces of different people represent the multiplicity of human beings and the appearance that can be offered to the gaze of others, further emphasized by the social and physical division that the Wall itself represents and has represented in the history of humanity.

Fingere di essere | Released June 11th, 2019 on Sliptrick Records

Track Listing:
01. Verba volant | 02. Miraggi immobili | 03. Fingere di essere | 04. Nel blu | 05. Assenza | 06. Lontano | 07. Respiro il vuoto | 08. Se non provo più | 09. Ora e qui | 10. Pioggia fredda

Recorded and mixed between January and October 2018 at the Strongvilla Studio in Borgo Virgilio (Mn) by Saro Torreggiani | Produced by: Sinezamia and Sliptrick Records | Graphics and artwork: Marco Grazzi | Cover photo: Tania Powley

Sinezamia are:
Marco Beccari – Bass guitar | Alessandro Conte – Guitar | Marco Grazzi – Vocals | Stefano Morbini – Drum | Carlo Enrico Scaietta – Keyboards

Band links: Official Website | Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick







  1. metalwave.it

    Insomma: “Fingere di essere” è un disco interessante per chi ama il rock italiano tipo Litfiba/Piero Pelù, e costituisce il modo giusto di prendere ispirazione dalle gesta di una band senza subirne le influenze ma dominandole, senza ridurre tutto a tributi a passati ormai lontani e perlopiù gradevoli ma fini a sé stessi …read more

  2. heavenofalternativerock

    In conclusione, Fingere di Essere è un buon prodotto, che si fa ascoltare molto volentieri e non solo come sottofondo mentre si fanno altre cose. Il gruppo c’è, la via intrapresa pare buona, quindi è solo arrivato il tempo di raccogliere i risultati. Io vi consiglio di tenerli d’occhio, perché a chi piacciono sonorità vagamente retro coniugate con una buona grinta, i Sinezamia non potranno che fare per voi …read more

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