Alternative metal star Nookie (in Russian – “Нуки”) returns with her 3rd full-length solo album containing 13 powerful tracks backed up by her talented group of musicians. The singer keeps a strict schedule of releasing a new record every 2 years and Exceptions (translated from “Исключения”) follows on from her first album Alive in 2013 and then in 2015, Lunar Butterfly Pollen.
The album Exceptions turns out to be musically powerful and deep in content. The title of the disc is not accidental, it reflects the main idea. According to Nookie, her new disc is addressed to each specific person as an exception. The center of attention is a person who is opposed to the crowd. In the world there are no two identical people, it’s important to be yourself and to feel the importance of your own life – the main idea that she wants to convey. The sound covers uncompromising nu-metal and alternative complemented with strong melodies and topped with the unmistakable voice of Nookie herself.
Nookie is the solo project of Russian group Slot’s singer Daria Stavrovich. For most people, Nookie’s name is associated exclusively with the extravagant vocalist of the band Slot, who have made their name and still ignite the Russian alternative scene. But it is difficult to place a talented person in any particular style or frame, and even more so to keep them there. In 2016, Nookie participated in the singing show “Voice”, where she successfully passed the “blind auditions”. Nookie became a real sensation on that fifth season and was the most discussed and viewed participant of the project.
Exceptions | Released August 7th, 2018 on Sliptrick Records
Track Listing:
01. Au | 02. Before I Die | 03. Isklyucheniya | 04. Vverkh | 05. Znaki | 06. Myprostoest | 07. In-Yan | 08. Vremennaya | 09. Samim soboy | 10. Prodolzhaem dvizhenie | 11. Tantsuy, kloun, tantsuy | 12. Yadovitaya | 13. Kosmos
Nookie are:
Nookie – Lead Vocals | Sergey Bogolyubskiy – Guitar | Andrey Ostrav – Bass | Alexander Karpukhin – Drums
Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | VK | On Sliptrick –
Nookie sanno bene come tenere alta l’attenzione dell’ ascoltatore non abbassando mai la guardia con brani che si alternano tra rock diretto e scariche di intricatissime ritmiche metalliche …read more –
Mir hat “Exceptions” wirklich Spaß gemacht, was vielleicht auch an dem ungewöhnlichen Gesamtpaket gelegen haben dürfte. Die Produktion ist ebenfalls sehr amtlich und fängt das gesamte Chaos perfekt ein. Ich könnte mir durchaus vorstellen, dass NOOKIE auch außerhalb Russlands funktionieren kann. Mit Daria besitzt die Band ein außergewöhnliches Aushängeschild und hat musikalisch einen ganzen Koffer voll interessanter Sachen mit dabei, die jeden Klub ins Wanken bringen dürften. Wer gelegentlich aus dem klassischen Muster ausbrechen möchte, sollte die Russen ruhig mal antesten …read more
bloody-good-music –
The upside of the record is Nookie herself. Even with the language barrier, she has a charisma that carries into the music where I can feel what she’s going for. She’s energetic, angry, and easily the selling point of the whole experience …read more –
Nookie’s performance is impassioned and fluid, simultaneously a charismatic presence from which the spirit of the album radiates and a mere part of the album’s larger aesthetic, working in tandem with the rest of the band rather than overpowering it …read more