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01. Tuho | 02. Tuli | 03. TSEPVSL | 04. Mitään ei jää | 05. Marjaana | 06. Kuolleen linnun laulu

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“The morphosis of the creature evolved from infancy. It is spreading its wings. Shadowing all the pale light left in the universe. Gazing the evil eye upon what is left of humankind. The fiery heart beats with a racing tempo, fueling the frantic muscles with rampage. Growing in strength, the creature prepares for its mission. The time of wrath and rage is here.” Kalmo (‘cadaver’ in English) is ready to announce a new album to be released on April 13th 2021.

The new album Gehinnom contains six psalms that prophecy the end of this all. Each canticle is its own piece of a story, but they all share the same sinister dark tone. With these cursed hymns, Kalmo brings you a step closer to the end. The creature has gained its power. Ready to spread it’s wings and rise to the skies. To darken the light, to darken the stars. The end is near. Nearer than ever.

The cover art is created by Spanish artist and musician Jose Paz [IG:kibusanima]. He has created the cover art for several albums and has a unique style in his art. Kalmo is grinning in his darkness over how well Jose captured the theme of the album in the cover art. The final touches of the tones of destruction have been given in mixing and mastering by Saarni Music (saarnimusic.com).

“Whatever the future brings, doom will be inevitable. Each and every one of us will be a kalmo. Stay doomed!”

Track by track by Kalmo:
Tuho – The opening track sets the ominous theme of the album. The signs of the dawning doom have been revealed. Anointed cherub, screaming lion, the master of filth is coming. The pure will be tarnished by sin. Notions of afterlife and visions of immortality are in vain. The end is so pure and cruel, so beautiful and raw – and when it’s over, nothing remains.

Tuli – A scorching red inferno rises from the eternal lakes of fire. The song opens with a mesmerising serenade to the flames, pledging the soul to the inferno. The voices echo the rising flames and affirm an eternal commitment to the fire. True believers will be stigmatized, branded with the sign.

TSEPVSL – The last soul trapped in human flesh, realizing the time depleting. Despair is complete, as complete as the inescapable end itself. The distorted image reflecting from the darkness at the last moment invites the last of the lasts to step into the void. This is not an ending, but the end.

Mitään ei jää – People are their own worst enemies, and the final betrayal leaves mankind with no hope for the future. You live by the doom, you die by the doom. A brother’s end is intertwined with another’s doom. The future lost due to your past, taken with the last of your kind.

MarjaanaMarjaana is a Finnish version of an old traditional song, based on the 17th century ballad Sweet William’s Ghost, and now twisted, Kalmo-style. While the original structure of the music has been somewhat preserved, the lyrics and tone of the song have been kalmonised. Wishes are granted and promises kept – at a high price. Marjaana finds her doom in the promise given long ago. Death will collect the debt.

Kuolleen linnun laulu – The Gehinnom chapter is closed by the song of the dead bird. It is a hymn-like song: the congregation coming together to sing about the beginning of the end, accompanied and eventually drowned by the song of the dead bird. As all hope of redemption and salvation turns out to be false, the song of the dead bird is all that remains.

Gehinnom | Released April 13th, 2021 via Sliptrick Records

Track Listing:
01. Tuho | 02. Tuli | 03. TSEPVSL | 04. Mitään ei jää | 05. Marjaana | 06. Kuolleen linnun laulu

Kalmo is:
Mika – All Instruments

Band links: Official Website | Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick







  1. jennytate

    Overall – Dread encrusted doom is etched, deeply, into this blackened cesspit, from hell. One glaringly obvious fact is that it has the desired effect, of conjuring terror. A consistently performed delivery of darkness, from which, light may never emerge …read more

  2. bringerofdeathzine

    In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Kalmo and if you are a fan of blackened doom metal, you should check out this album …read more

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